A still frame is simply a still shot taken from a movie that is playing. This is simply done to view the mise-en-scene within that particular frame.
What is ‘The Hunger Games’ about?
The Hunger Games is breifly about a boy and a girl who simply have to fight until their death. The thing that makes it different is the fact that the game has lottery attributes which makes it a lot more interesting. The story takes place in a place called Panem. This is a wealthy city which is surrounded by districts.
Below is a shot that is taken out of the new thriller film called ‘The Hunger Games.’ I am now going to analyse the shot and talk about the various things that it could mean. I will cover the mise-en-scene and various other aspects. I will also be talking about the clothes that they are wearing and what it could mean and I will also talk about the other things that could be related to the image.
Firstly, this is a still frame within the film where two characters are sitting in what looks like a valley. The setting of this image alone, has the potential to raise enigmas on what these two characters are doing at that particular place. If it was a romance genre, then its very likely that the characters would be out on a romance adventure, or even a honey moon so it could represent their love. However, if it was a crime, it could represent that they are on a run from the police. Due to the fact that it is a thriller film, it is very difficult to predict exactly what they are doing there.
In terms of gender, both of their body language represents something within the film. The way how the male is sitting shows that he could be the one in charge due to the fact that he is sitting up. On the other hand, the way how the female is sitting shows that she could be more laid back due to the fact that she has a man on his side. I personally believe that throughout the film, this particular still frame could cannote the fact that the man is there for protection.
In terms of the clothes that they are wearing, the still frame shows that the man is wearing a grey jumper. The colour grey has all sorts of repesentations and the colour could have been chosen for all sorts of reasons. For example grey represents; security, reliability, intelligence, modesty and many more. This particular colour of clothing could have been purposely used to represent the kind of person that this male is. Similarly, the clothing that is worn by the woman may also have particular representations as well. For example, the fact that she is wearing black could represent the fact that she has power, that she has wealth or even the fact that should be evil.
With reguards to the lighting of this particular still frame, its clear that it is natural lighting from the sky. The weather looks foggy therefore it could reflect on the mood of the characters. In this frame, we have no visual on any of the props used.
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